Sunday, September 23, 2012

Select custom ribbon tab - jQuery

    I created custom ribbon tab and a button on a page. When  a user press the button on the page, I needed to focus him to the custom ribbon tab. Of course, I used 
_ribbonStartInit("Ribbon.CustomTab", false, null);

but the problem is, after a user changes it to another tab, i.e. "Read" or "Browse" the second pressing doesn't work. Therefore, the solution was - adding SelectRibbonTab() function:

$('img.CustomTabButtonClass').bind('click', function() { 
  if (typeof(_ribbonStartInit) == "function")
       _ribbonStartInit("Ribbon.CustomTab", false, null);
     SelectRibbonTab("Ribbon.CustomTab", true);

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

CSS: Cursor hand not working in chrome, firefox

The problem is  - cursor "hand" is not a supported style in browsers other than IE.
Instead of it need to use :
cursor: "pointer"

The vertical scrolling bar doesn't work in Chrome browser

Like most of us, I faced this problem when scroll bar doesn't work in Chrome.
After googling, the solution was a jQuery script which I inserted to the master page: